December and January was quite busy month with birthdays and house parties in Prague so instead of doing that for my birthday I decided to organize a trip out of town for my Prague friends. With the help of Helge and Pavel I found a small pension in Spinderuv Mlyn, the most popular destination for skiing and snowboarding in Czech Republic. We ended up being 14 people (from 10 countries). Here is part of the first group who took the bus ready to leave Prague.
The first day the weather was not the best but it snowed as well so we had pretty good slopes to work with.
About half the group went skiing and all of those had done it before. The other half went snowboarding with most of them being first-timers. This of course made the snowboarders drop on a regular basis for the enjoyment of the rest of us. Heres Grace after a less than graceful fall.
On the cool-scale Bjorn the German took the price skiing in his lederhosen with a regular coat. He was laid back as he went down the mountain and never hit the deck.
The nightlife in Spinderuv Mlyn turned out to be a lot of fun as well where we danced till we were completely done.
I dont really know what Mickey Mouse and Krteek was doing at the club but at that point we thought it was fun.
Here is a picture as we were ready to leave on Sunday with everybodys limps still intact, happy but bruised.