Month: May 2007

  • A round of goodbyes

    Finally it is tomorrow Femi and I are jumping on the plane to Prague :D

    The last two weeks we have been homeless so we went to my parents place for shelter and good food. It was nice to spend a few weeks in the tranquility of Southern Jylland and I got around to say goodbye to some of my friends and family.

    I got time to go to Rømø – the island with the huge beach.

    I'm on top of the world

    Went sailing on Limfjorden with Klaus and Louise

    Sailing in Limfjorden
    Sailing in Limfjorden

    Heavy drinking with the university pals

    Drinking with university palsPlayed some football with the nephew


    Biking with my dad in the club uniform

    26 maj 2007 001

    Wiki-ing with my grand parents

    Grandparents at the computer

    Today (Thursday 31st) is my last night in Copenhagen this time around – so if you are in Copenhagen and want to say goodbye you can catch me at Nemoland, Christiania around 20 – midnight.

  • Rødgrød med fløde – part II

    The gang
    I’m about to move out of Copenhagen so the last couple of days I’ve been packing. It’s tiring and quite boring but today I came across a CD with forgotten video clips from Michigan.

    I can’t believe it’s been almost a year since I left. Still that year in Ann Arbor was the time of my life and the clips I found here sure brings back good memories of some of the great people I hung out with.

    When my parents came to visit we made a Danish BBQ at the roof of my house. I had to make the people there try to say the name of the dessert.

    See also Rødgrød Med Fløde part I