Month: January 2009

  • When I get old

    30 by lcrf/Luis

    Today I crossed the imaginary line into my 30s. Dont feel much different than yesterday but I guess it is still a line in the sand that marks the end of something and the beginning of something else.

    When I was a kid I always thought that when I was 30 I would be grown up and have everything sorted. But since then Ive realized that you are only as settle and sorted as you want to be

  • Christmas and New Years in Denmark

    Its long overdue with an update from me again.

    At the end of December Kathleen invited a bunch of Prague friends over for a Christmas party with food, gifts and ugly hats. That kicked off my Christmas spirit and we had a great evening with lots of laughter and good times. Here is Antone, Sascha and Julie with big smiles:

    The day after there was a flash mob event on Old Town Square in the center of Prague. The idea was that everybody should show up with a pillow hidden. At exactly 18.55 someone would whistle and a pillow fight should start.
    I was at the square a few minutes before it started standing next to some tourists that didnt know what was about to happen. And then the pillow fight started. Several hundred people brought out their pillow and started whacking each other. Soon the air was full of white feathers and it looked as if it had started to snow with the fluffiest snow. Below is a video I shot 30 seconds after the started.

    This is what the square looked like afterwards.

    December flew by and I went home to my parents in Toftlund. Ann flew to Denmark and spent almost two weeks with me over Christmas and New Years. Needless to say I enjoyed it immensely to share our Danish traditions with her.

    Christmas in Denmark is celebrated on Christmas Eve with a nice dinner, rice pudding game for dessert, dancing around the Christmas tree and opening gifts. This year we were my parents, my sister Majbrit, her boyfriend Mogens, my nephew Magnus, Ann and me.
    Making konfekt - marcipan sweets
    The family at the dinner table
    Dancing around the tree
    Magnus receives some Lego

    On Christmas Day we didnt have any plans but to work some of all the good food off we took a trip to The Dear Park by Haderslev. Afterwards we went to meet my grand parents in Styding and some of the family that lived close by. Here is Ann and I in front of the view over the lake.

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    A few days later we had a dinner with my high school class mates. Every year we try to gather the class and this year we were 8 (with Ann).
    dec 27 2008_0047

    For New Years we made a little trip where we first went a day to Aalborg where I used to study. We stayed over night with Peter my old neighbor and his family and had a great time with them. It was a year since I visited them last so I hadnt met the cute Oscar before.


    The next day we went for brunch with Tomas, a buddy from university and then met some of the girls I worked with in ESN for a coffee.

    Then we headed back south and ended in Skjoldelev where we celebrated New Years with my good friend Christian and his wife Louise. The live by the village square so we could see all the fireworks just outside. A really cozy night.


    My parents gave me an early birthday gift and threw a party for me inviting the extended family. So January the 3rd we had the house full of people many of them I hadnt seen in a long time so it was really nice to see them before I took off again.

    On the last day we had coffee with the neighbors and then it started to snow. We took a walk in the first snow of this trip and went to feed the ducks in a nearby pond. It was hilarious to see ducks try to walk on the ice :)

    Ducks on ice

    The next day Ann went back to London and I went back to Prague.

    This was probably the best Christmas Ive had as an adult thanks to all the friends and family and, of course, Ann.