Month: August 2007

  • Back in Prague

    The 2-mile beach

    Im back in Prague after three fantastic weeks in Hawaii. We did a lot of different things over there. I took about 350 pictures that I am working on uploading and tagging plus some videos which I might edit together. There will be a couple of posts about the trip coming up later.

    I went over to visit friends from IAESTE Michigan 2005-2006. Here is the gang we got together, from left: Alberto, me, Ivan, Femi and Fernando (who got a job in Hawaii and hosted us).

    The whole gang

  • Hawaii Travel update from Twitter

    UPDATE: I’m back from Hawaii, videos and pics are here.

    I will be away from my computer the next three weeks but if you want to hear how the Hawaii trip is going check back here. I will be sending SMS to this post as I travel.

    • Home in prague. Finally
    • We made it to Big Island picked up a car and have just arrived at our camp ground.
    • Just got up. Its raining this morning. We are on our way to the Big Island today.
    • Category 2 hurricane flossie is heading to hawaii. Most likely it will stay 50 miles off so we should be safe.
    • Sunset beach all day. Chilled. Got drunk. Swam. Chilled. Life’s good.
    • Yesterday ivan arrived from minneapolis. Good to see him and now we are five 🙂
    • Kalalua beach is a paradise. A big beach, camping in the shade of trees and a waterfall for fresh water and shover. Mountains surround t 
    • The hike was awesome. Hard but awesome. After 11 miles of walking up and down valleys along the shore we came to the kalalua beach.
    • Back on oahu after four days on kauai hiking. Gotta sleep
    • Found an Internet cafe today – lovely!
    • Went to pearl harbour today to see the Arizona battleship. The ship got a direct hit and sunk with more than 1100 of its sailors
    • Went to kaulai today and rented sea kayaks. Sailed not to some islands. Nice day.
    • Spend the day yesterday at waikiki beach. Beautiful place.
    • I bought a new camera today. Its another canon – those guys seems to work for me. Look out for pictures when i get online (that could be 
    • Yesterday we went to waimea beach on the north shore of Oahu. During winter this is one of the best surfing spots oh the world.
    • Today has been chilled. We went into chinatown for breakfast and went to the market to get some fish and seafood for tonight.
    • Jetlag got me us at 5.30. After breakfast we took a trip around oahu and ended up at a beach were we hung out the rest of the day.
    • Finally we got out of the airport. Of course our suit cases was not there. But fuck that we are hitting the bars now B-)
    • After 24 hours, 11 time zones and maybe 2600 miles we are in hawaii. Aloha!
    • Oh Its great to be back in US. We are still only in seattle airport but still its great to be back in The Land Of The Free.
    • Chasing the sun around the world. Left paris at 13 in seattle at 15. Hope they got good coffee here
    • Oui oui we are in paris. Airport food is robbery.
    • Two days ago was the anniversary of the warsaw rising. The citizen stood up and fought the nazis. Intersting history
    • Yesterday gosja gave us a tour of the town. First on foot and them driving at night. The city grew on me. Like to check it out again.
    • I meet gosja a couple of weeks ago on the canoe trip. She is a graphical designer studying tv production.
    • Rise and shine. Its 4.30. After a couple of hours sleep we are back up ready for the big travel day.
    • Cruzing warsaw. Cool place but not much different vibe than prague/cntr europe.
    • We are staying im warsaw for the night. Flighing out tomorrow at 7 
    • We arrived im Warsaw. Gosja picked us up from the station and we are on the way to her place.
    • Hunter s. Thompson: The Rum Diary is my literature for the ride as we cross the border to poland
    • Yesterday i went with the IAESTE gang. A couple of them are leaving prague and will not be there when i get back. Goodbyes are always a  
    • First leg of the travel is from Prague, Czech Republic to Warsaw, Poland. An 8½ hour train ride.
    • The bags are packed. Tomorrow (Thursday) morning at 8 we are taking the train to Warsaw and the day after (Friday) we jump on the plane.
    • Hawaii is approaching way too fast. I’m not ready! Leaving for Warsaw in 30 hours!