I haven t made a proper post here for a long, long time. Sorry for that – let me get you up to speed.
December flew away with a job in Denmark were I held a seminar on how to do interaction design. After that gig I travelled across the country meeting with Rasmus in Randers, Rikke and Lene in århus, sister and family in Odder, met with Femi and partied with the boys in Copenhagen and ended up cruising Lund/Malmø with the Swedes.
Fast forwarding I spend Christmas in Toftlund and New Years Eve in Aalborg with old university buddies. I stayed in Aalborg for a couple of weeks and worked on a project with the good guys of CommunicateIT. I then headed to my parents place.
All the while I had been checking records, looking at dmi.dk for long term weather forecasts because Ann was coming to Denmark at the end of January – and as a Maltese she had never seen snow fall. Chances of snow in Denmark are however not that big, we get it occasionally during the winter but it s not that common. To give you an impression the last 100 years Denmark has been covered by snow 7 times on Christmas Day. End of January came and it looked like all we would be getting was the first storm of the year.
Ok, so finally Ann came to Denmark and we had a great week seeing place, meeting people and enjoying each others company. We started out in Copenhagen (without a camera) were we walked around a little bit and then went to see Mozart s Lucio Silla at the Royal Theatre.

Neither of us had seen an opera before so it was an interesting experience but it didn t really blow us away. The next day we walked a bit more and saw Nyhavn, the Royal Palace and The Marble Church.
We drove back home to Jylland just in time before they closed the two main bridges in Denmark due to the storm. Back in the sticks we went out to a farm close by were we got to greet some of the newborns.

The next day we headed to the oldest town in Denmark, Ribe were we saw the old cathedral and went up the tower nearly to be blown off. Ribe is a cozy little town but the weather was really bad with rain and wind so we didn t make it that far in our layers upon layers of warm cloths.

The whole family joined together for the weekend on the island of Fanø (a bit less than 1/5 the size of Malta). We spend the weekend in a summer house, well heated by the the wood stove having it hyggeligt.

The storm had past the west coast and lo and behold it it s wake came this

Enough snow for a proper snow fight and enough to build a small snow man.
All in all a nice cosy family weekend and I really enjoyed showing Ann my family and vice versa. The day after I followed Ann to Bremen were her flight was from and I continued on to Prague.
It s nice to be back home in Prague although it is still really cold here. In little more than a month I m going to Malta again for some rays of Ann and rays of sun