Category: Misc

  • Invisible Children at UCL

    Last night Ann and I went to a presentation and discussion about the child soldiers of Central Africa and Global Citizenship.

    It started out as a civil war in Uganda but today, more than 20 years later, the conflict continues as a terror regime where the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) continue to abduct children and mutilation and slaughter the local population. The LRA has caused the lives of thousands and dispalcement of millions of people in Uganda, DR. Congo and Sudan.

    Invisible Children started out as a film project for three American guys and has turned into a grass-root organization trying to help the children affected by the conflict. It’s a conflict that hasn’t had much focus which is what the Invisible Children organization tries to do and one of the things discussed in the panel debate was how to bring attention to it.

    The story is heartbreaking and what the organization is doing is really admirable in trying to give these kids a chance for an education and meaningful life. Until the conflict comes to an end it is worth reminding ourselves and our governments that we should not just stand by as this happens.

    See the whole documentary Invisible Children: Rough cut.

  • Ferie villa i Sydfrankrig (DK)

    Jeg bliver lige nødt til at nævne det sidste projekt jeg har været involveret i. Ejerne af galleriet AndersenArt i Espergærde har bygget en lækker villa på en bjergside i Frankrig og bad os om at lave deres hjemmeside.

    System for holiday rental house

    Huset er fordelt over tre planer med fire værelser, to køkkener og tre stuer. Hvad jeg synes er mest cool er terrassen med en fed pool og udsigt ud over Middelhavet, Saint Jeannet og Baou bjerget. Derudover har de en fyldt vinkælder, internetadgang på storskærm og et musikanlæg hvor man bare sætter sin iPod til.

    View of St. Jeannet

    Ud over at jeg har kigget misundelig på de billeder Peter har sendt mig dernede fra har det været rigtig inspirerende at arbejde sammen med Peter og Terese.

    En dag når firmaet går flyvende, må jeg ned og og prøve at bo i deres Saint Jeannet villa. Det er ved at være en del år siden jeg var med cykelklubben nede og cykle i området, det er et rigtig lækkert område omkring Cannes, Nice og Monaco, hvor der er rigtig meget at se og opleve.
    Men tag selv et kig pÃ¥ det lækre feriehus 🙂