Month: February 2007

  • Arb Design is blogging

    In the last year or so in Denmark blogging has changed from being something the established media and companies would talk about to be something they read and used. (Links in this post will be to Danish sites)

    I find it very interesting what is going on right now as people in companies are blogging. There are some great benefits from communicating in the form of a blog:

    • Informal way of communicating passion
    • Gain information about costumers through a dialog
    • It can underline and enhance your brand
    • Let the company have a human face and voice

    On the other hand there are some drawbacks or pittfalls as well. Blogging as a private person is different than blogging as part of an organization or a company. Andreas Johansen, former Synkron blogger wrote about some of the difficulties about blogging for his company.

    • Finding the proper voice – not too personal and geeky, not too corporate and marketing-speak
    • Its difficult to get comments so the costumer interaction stays one-way
    • It can be difficult to find the ressources to blog
    • Your boss, colleague, cotumer does not understand the blog format

    All this said we have decided to start Arblog, the blog of Arb Design. Right now it is easy to find stuff to write about because Rotaboard is getting started and getting attention from interesting places.

    Now go read, subscribe and comment and I will be happy :)

    Arblog - The blog of Arb Design

  • RotaBoard – the simple work planning tool

    The paper calendar on the back wall of a business is an easy tool to use, just grab the pen and write on it. When it is done make a photocopy to everybody on the staff and youre done.

    Work schedule

    Some time goes by and you end up with this

    Work schedule

    You know how it goes, people get sick some want to exchange their shifts or youve lost your paper copy and cant remember when you have to work next time. The shortcoming of the paper calendar is that it is difficult to keep everybody up to date on the changes – and change always happens. Enter Rotaboard

    date picker screenshot of rotaboard

    A week ago we launched RotaBoard the first of Arb Designs own products. RotaBoard is a simple work planning tool for the business or team were you have to coordinate and distribute a weekly workplan.

    With RotaBoard we wanted to retain the ease of using a simple paper calendar but add the benefits of having it online. Take it for a spin and let me know what you think. Wed love to hear your feedback. All you need is to sign up and you are ready to go
