Today I crossed the imaginary line into my 30s. Dont feel much different than yesterday but I guess it is still a line in the sand that marks the end of something and the beginning of something else.
When I was a kid I always thought that when I was 30 I would be grown up and have everything sorted. But since then Ive realized that you are only as settle and sorted as you want to be
12 responses to “When I get old”
*singing* Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Michael, happy birthday to you!!
As I always say to the girls, age is just a number.
May your 30s be much much better than your twenties.
Tillykke med de 30 år. Hel og lykke frem over. Kærlig hilsen Mor og Far
Happy happy birthday!
I know what you mean about the everything sorted thing. I m only just beginning and I thought I would have started years ago
But you re right, we are only as settled as we want to be.
Happy birthday! All the best wishes
Hey mester,- Tillykke med dagen fra os i Skjoldelev ;-)Glæder mig til vi ses Chr
Hej Michael,
Stort tillykke, og velkommen i de voksnes rækker
Håber du får mindre peber, end du fik kanel da du blev 25!
Thanks for the greetings people
Tillykke med fødselsdagen – også selv om det er lidt forsinket!
Du er nu en dejlig lillebror :o) . selv om du er blevet så gammel ;o)
Congratulations Michael on your birthday. Each age has it s own charm. I think I loved my thirties even more than my twenties. Each decade just keeps getting better!
A bit late but heqq ux better late than never :D HAPPY BIRTHDAY Michael ohhh 30 ur so old so old :P:P lol Joking :D wish you all the best and see you soon (a few months more I guess right?) love Cec
I realized I haven t given proper answers where it was due to your comments so here goes:
@Grace: My twenties especially the last half was great so if my thirties are as good I will be a happy guy.
@Fisker: It s cool following your life in Spain and how it s turning out.
@Carsten: Jep det var meget mere civiliseret. Jeg fik en enkelt pose peber – det var alt
@Karen: Oh boy! If it keeps getting better Im should really be looking forward to getting older.
@Cecilia: Yeah see you in Malta ib March