Back in Prague

After a 6 day trip up north I am now back in Prague. It was my first time home since we moved to Prague 5 months ago and it was great going back. I dont miss Denmark but I really, really enjoy coming back.

First I got to visit Dennis (my canoe-buddy from this summer) and Jenny in Braunschweig. Very good people and I have to come back some day to explore more of this city.

Fun in Germany

After that I hit århus were Christian and I took a ride on his bike and caught up on everything thats been going on since last time we spoke. The day after we continued to Haderslev were Søren and Helene treated us with dinner and another night of catching up.

Finally I spend a couple of days with my sister, nephew and parents in Toftlund. Tuesday I had Magnus for the day which was so much lot of fun.

Magnus and the ducks

As I said it was really good to get back to Denmark – everything is so neat, cozy and familiar. But I also realized that I dont need to live in Denmark right now. A good dose now and then and then Im good for a while.

One thought on “Back in Prague

  1. Hey Michael,

    looks like your trip was a lot of fun!

    Hmmm, London in 8 hours. Nina and I had a great time walking around, its a GREAT walking city. Other than wandering around looking at stuff Id see the London Eye (Im obsessed with ferris wheels), ride a double decker bus (sit on the top in the front), see Big Ben (best seen in the late afternoon because the sun hits it just right), walk along the Thames, cross some bridges (I also love bridges) and drink some English ale (dont be surprised when its warm).

    Have a great time wandering around!

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