IAESTE Day 2007 in Prague

Yesterday the local committees of IAESTE in Prague organized the annual IAESTE Day to promote the IAESTE programs at different universities across the world. I was happy they asked me if I wanted to give a presentation about how I had benefited from IAESTE. So I told the story of How I Ended Up In Prague Because of IAESTE (Some of it is on page three of this IAESTE UK alumni newsletter). Its been a while since I had done a presentation but I really enjoyed the afternoon talking with people about going abroad.

Uuuuuuummm cake

Even better was the evening were they had organized a banquette for business contacts, alumis and member. Good and free food and drinks is a great thing that I come across way to seldom.

Mingeling people at IAESTE day 2007 Prague

See more pictures at flickr.