After a 6 day trip up north I am now back in Prague. It was my first time home since we moved to Prague 5 months ago and it was great going back. I don t miss Denmark but I really, really enjoy coming back.
First I got to visit Dennis (my canoe-buddy from this summer) and Jenny in Braunschweig. Very good people and I have to come back some day to explore more of this city.
After that I hit århus were Christian and I took a ride on his bike and caught up on everything that s been going on since last time we spoke. The day after we continued to Haderslev were Søren and Helene treated us with dinner and another night of catching up.
Finally I spend a couple of days with my sister, nephew and parents in Toftlund. Tuesday I had Magnus for the day which was so much lot of fun.
As I said it was really good to get back to Denmark – everything is so neat, cozy and familiar. But I also realized that I don t need to live in Denmark right now. A good dose now and then and then I m good for a while.