Snow in London and Willesden Green

London usually dont get much snow during the winter since it is in its own weather pocket that is up to 5 degrees warmer than the surrounding areas. But yesterday the flakes started to fall just as Ann and I was heading home from meeting one of her friends.

Ann in the snow

This morning I went up to the local Gladstone Park to try out my new camera and see out if I could figure out how to take snow shots.

Icy Riffel Road, Willesden Green
Sign to Dollis Hill
The pond in winter dress
Snowy roofs

Nice day!


6 responses to “Snow in London and Willesden Green”

  1. Cecilia Avatar

    Looks beautiful

  2. Bluefish Avatar

    What a beautiful scene! Are people panicking over there because of the snow?

  3. Michael Avatar

    @Cec: yeah it’s really nice to be out in the snow when the sun is out.

    @Bluefish: Southwest UK does not usually get a lot of snow so they haven’t got much in terms of clearing equipment and they don’t change to winter tires on their cars so when it hits the country can come to a bit of a lock-down. In London today there is only a few cm left but further east there are still people snowed in and some of the London airports were cancelling all flights yesterday. I think the scene would look a bit pathetic to a Canadian tho, so much fuss over a few centimeters. 🙂

  4. Tina - omme i London Avatar

    The snow pictures came out well. 🙂 Well done you! As for the snow panic, we get snow so rarely that there’s no point in being prepared for it. For a “White Christmas” to be declared, only ONE snowflake has to be observed. 🙂

  5. Ann Fenech Avatar

    @ Cec: it’s GORGEOUS! Especially in with blue skies and sun shining brightly on the white snow/ice on the ground…it’s what winter always looked like on films 😀

  6. […] So far the amount of snow has been moderate with 2-5 cm of snow so no major disruptions unlike what these levels produced when we lived in London. […]