I just realized that 1st of June it has been a year since I arrived in Prague. Time flies and I must say I have been positively surprised by many things about this city and the people I have met here. One thing that is very appalling is my Czech though. When I came I thought I would take language courses and learn some of the local lingo, but I must admit I gave up on that pretty quickly and have resorted to my English, German, a few Czech words and the international language of hand gestures and body language.
Last week I met with a fellow blogger, Al from the family blog Tischlers in Prague. After having lived in Prague for almost two years the Tischlers are moving back to Minnesota. I have been following the blog and their trips in and around Prague (and around Europe) since before I arrived in Prague so it was great to meet the man behind the words. Al has been working for Radio Free Europe in Prague while they have been building their new headquarters. He had great stories of his time in Saudi Arabia their life in Prague and filled me in on the New Wave music in general after we went to a museum on the history of the rock music in Czechoslovakia in the 80ies.
We met in a small beer garden very close to our apartment for a couple of beers. Al got photo documentation and posted it here. Its always a pleasure to meet other bloggers and Im glad I caught Al before they went back home. I wish the best for the three of them.
You mentioned language difficulties. I would like to argue the case for Esperanto as the international language. It is a planned language which belongs to no one country or group of states. Take a look at http://www.esperanto.net
Esperanto works! I ve used it in speech and writing in a dozen countries over recent years.
Congratulations with your one year in Prague. I have to tell you that it s really cool to read about. I m impressed of the way you interact, network, and travel
How long are you planning on staying?
@fisker: When we came down here we planned to stay for 6 months. Right now we are saying September. I dont know what we are doing then, either move to a different place in Prague or changing the city for Berlin or Copenhagen maybe.
Hey congrats on the one year stay
Trying to update myself with what has bene going on in the past few days where I have been a bit out of it
Michael, I enjoyed reading both of your posts about your meeting because I enjoy reading both of your blogs. Like you, I m inspired by expat adventures before I arrive at my destination – Prague. It keeps me focused on the goal. Don t stop blogging!
@Ann: thanks and see you soon, swt
@Karen: Thanks I have met bloggers a couple of times now and it has always been interesting knowing something of a person before you meet in real life.