Going to Hawaii – yay!

I'm going to Hawaii

So things are starting to get in place now for this years holiday and boy, am I looking forward to this one! Today the ticket finally arrived as you see.

The trip has been in the works for the past year since Fernando got a job as an engineer in Hawaii. Ever since then the big goal has been to make a trip over to visit him with the gang.
Luckily we have managed to get five of the guys together for this awesome holiday.

Today we have been laying out the plans for what we are going to do. Good times. We were sitting in four different time zones and making the plan in Google Spreadsheet. Fernando sitting on Hawaii, Ivan in Minneapolis, Alberto in Tennessee, and Femi and me in Prague. The plans include a trip to Na Pali Coast, Volcanoes NP and camping on The Big Island.

Google Spreadsheet Collaboration

Its going to be good times with good people :)

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