My todo list for Copenhagen

Copenhagen streetlights

Copenhagen is still a new place for me. Ive been here a dozen time throughout the years but always on short visits. Now Im living here and I want to take advantage of that. This is my list of things I want to see and do in Copenhagen before I leave again.


7 responses to “My todo list for Copenhagen”

  1. Alice Avatar

    It depends on what you want to se/hear/do
    But when friends from out of town comes to Cph I usually drag them to se/do/hear the following:
    – Go to Rub a dub club (Stengard 30, Kbh N.) on Sunday evenings It s a very relaxed place whit a gerat athmosphere and always a good party.
    – If the wether is good and sun is shining, go to Cafe Halvanden ( at Refshaleoeen. Its a cafee, its a beach-club it is what you make of it.
    – Go Vesterbro just walk around a look at small shops, hang around people watching.
    – In the evening take a stroll around the lakes, watching and laughting at people running
    – If you are here around the time of the MTV award show (beginning of november I think) I heard something about some live music in the week up till the show A good oppertunity to go see some music.
    – Check out for info on concerts of all kinds
    – check out stengade 30 and lades kaelder for concerts with underground/upcomming bands.
    – go to cinemateket and watch movies.
    – go to Roskilde and see the cathedral, and the cosy city.

    Enjoy :o)

  2. Tomas Norre Mikkelsen Avatar

    Its quite a todo list.. After visiting Aros in Aarhus, my expirience with cultur-event is more positive, so perhaps I should join you in some of you todo.. Specially the one involving beers :)

  3. Michael Avatar

    Super cool Alice, thanks! Keep em coming if you have more ideas.

  4. Peter Avatar

    Next time, were in CPH, Ill convince Maria to give you(and me) a tour. She is, as you know, a fellow map-geek. But Im up for some fine culture, so count me in for the Opera and ballet.


  5. Peter Avatar

    And Ungdomshuset is closed or something My homie Christopher( and his band Paradox backlash, google em) played there yesterday, and until the last minute there was doubt that the place was still open

  6. Alice Avatar

    I might add:
    – Storm P museet at frederiksberg rundel
    – karaokee at Amigo bar – its a gay bar, but great party even if youre hetro and even if you dont sing.
    – join some of the city-walks Id recomend Ghost-tours, starting at Nyhavn (find them at
    – Teather at KafCafeen (google them)
    – Stand-up at Kulcafeen or comedy zoo

    Ill keep em coming. :0)

  7. Blogging Gelle Avatar

    […] They stayed with us from Saturday till Monday so we went to a private party Saturday night and to Sunday Reggae at Rub A Dub (thanks for that idea, Alice). […]