Tourist in Copenhagen

A couple of weeks ago Alberto and Luiz visited me in Copenhagen for a couple of days. It turned out to be a beer infused trip to some of the wonderful sights in the city of Copenhagen.

We walked, biked and sailed around Copenhagen for three days. I shot some video along the way and cut it into this 12 minute video.

See the video at Blip.TV or Google Video.

The places visited in the video are (inspired by Anetq):

The track in the credits is Love Shops Copenhagen Dreaming.

The pictures from the trip can be seen at Flickr.

One thought on “Tourist in Copenhagen

  1. liked your video about udlander venner med dig i københavn. you have a good danish sense of humor, with irony. tusind tak
    next trip, take them to a rigtig dansk place: Bakken. og, Frederiksberg Have. much better taste of DK than tivoli,nyhavn, etc..
    til lykke med din blog
    boston, massachusetts
    (ja, amerikaner)

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