Sweet Christmas videos

There is a Danish (or rather Scandinavian) tradition of making a TV show that runs every day of December until the 24th and the night of Christmas. For the past couple of years some of the Danish bloggers have made a similar thing with videos.

This year Emme has made her own show called Sweet Christmas with a story of a cookie called Mr. Nom Nom and his troubles. Here is episode 1:

For more check Emme’s blog or youtube channel. Happy December!

Christmas video from Prague

A couple of Danish bloggers are continuing the tradition started last year by Pollas of making a Christmas Calendar of videos. Here is my contribution:

See last years joint calendar Video Jul 2006 (link seems broken) and this years Video Jul 2007.Check also my Christmas video from 2006 and Christmas video greeting from US in 2005.

Update – came across this cute description today of the Prague Christmas market.