Lets Go Blue!


Tonight is the night of The Game – the biggest game of college football – University of Michigan against Ohio State. This is the last game of the season and both teams are undefeated so the loser will head to the Rose Bowl while the winner plays for the National Championship.

Oh, I wish I could be in Columbus or Ann Arbor today to follow the game and fell the vibe. To give you an idea of the magnitude of this game, tickets are sold for this game at an average of $835 which is more than tickets for Super Bowl or the World Series in Baseball.

It is quite difficult to follow college football from Europe – first off games are played Saturday evening so there is usually something else going on at the time and unlike NFL, college football isnt getting any airtime over here. In Denmark NFL is getting shown on Danish channels but after having lived for one year in a college town I prefer college football over NFL. Sports Illustrated has a piece about some of the differences between NFL and college football.

Here is a couple of interesting links if you want to know more about this game and the rivalry.

And if you like American football let me recommend Friday Night Lights (the movie) and Friday Night Lights (the TV Series).

Update: And michigan lost :(