Bohemian Paradise

About an hour north of Prague is the area called Ceske Raj or Bohemian Paradise. The area is scattered with sandstone tables, forests and quaint castles. Together with the IAESTE interns in town we went there for a Sunday hike yesterday.

Group photos

The weather was really nice and the trees were slowly starting to change into autumn costumes.

The sandstone tables

The last week we have also been hosting Ryan and Marisol, two American CouchSurfers who are travelling Europe on their 8th months now. It is amazing how many places they have been and it makes me tick to go on big trip. See Ryans great pictures at Flickr.

Marisol and Ryan with their dinner


3 responses to “Bohemian Paradise”

  1. Peter Thomsen Avatar

    The food in the last picture, looks quite delicious. Whats up with that? Is it take-out? Because I know Gelle couldnt cook that.

  2. Michael Avatar

    hey hey – Im an ok cook :)

    – And it was delicious. Marisol and Ryan cooked for us the last night they were here.

  3. running Avatar

    Hi Gelle, I randomly found your blog through Flickr, because I LIVE in Bohemian Paradise (in fact in his so-called hearth Turnov) :) so, how did you like it here? :))