My parents went to Prague back in the 70s. They brought home a book of pictures from Prague. The pictures were of the beautiful castles and buildings in Prague but they were all gloomy and very dark grey – almost black. Prague is not grey and black any more – it is full of colors.
You can still see the grey buildings but in the city center nearly all houses are newly restored and in the suburbs a lot of construction and refurbishing is going on. This two-family house not to far from our place were one side has had a makeover you can really see what differences it makes to the impression.
From talk to action – an idea becomes real
Hej, vi er nu med på nettet, for vi har fået udstyr og tilslutning i guldbryllupsgave. Det er rigtig fedt !!! at din far vil hjælpe os i gang. hilsen A+H.
Jamen tillykke med guldbrylluppet og fedt at fejre det med at komme på nettet. Jeg håber I får stor nytte af det