Got Dugg

My website went on the belly yesterday evening because my latest post got picked up on Digg. Before my site went offline I got around 2000 hits in a few hours. Not a tremendous amount of traffic but enough to make my host DHT cough. I tried to install a wp-cache plugin but coundnt get it to work.

What I did
On Sunday Alaxander of Positive Sharing was speaking at BlogForum2 about how he had gone from 0 to 100.000 readers. Alexanders ideas for generating traffic are compiled at Lars Pinds blog. I had been writting on this post for some time going back and forth whenever something came to mind.
I rewrote my story a bit making it into 10 pros and cons and added more graphics and then submitted it to reddit. It never seemed to pick up at reddit so I left it and went on to do other stuff. Somebody else picked it up and posted it to Digg and then things went on from there


3 responses to “Got Dugg”

  1. Alexander Kjerulaf Avatar

    Well waddaya know – it works :o)

  2. Michael Avatar

    Yup you were right :)

  3. Erles log Avatar

    […] Gelle posted an entry about getting many readers. This is not at all the point of this blog mind you! So if you are reading this and you are not me, then you are welcome to keep on reading but be warned that it will probably be VERY boring […]