On the eve of the 22nd Ann and I made our way to Gatwick airport. We had a flight to Malta the next morning at 7.15 AM and didn’t want to count on public transport getting us out there in the morning as London was having severe traffic issues due to snow and ice. Lucky for us the the flight was almost and time and we made it to Malta without any problems.
While England and the rest of northern Europe was struggling/celebrating snow and ice we ended up in Malta’s warmest Christmas in more than 20 years with temperatures up to 24 degrees – nice!
On December 24th, while Ann was busy, I walked around the village she is from taking pictures of the Christmas decorated houses.
The last photo is a hand-painted picture on the back entrance to a bar that really have an aura of Christmas. As I walked by Christmas music was blasting out in the streets. Check out the front and side photos.
In the evening of the 24th we went to the village’s Christmas Procession where kids dressed as angels and shepherds walk the baby Jesus through the streets as they sing carols.
In the evening we went out with Ann’s siblings and partners to a nice restaurant on Vittoriosa Waterfront.
After that it was on to the university church where we went for midnight mass. The church was packed with people sitting outside watching the service on a big screen. We got a seat inside and watched the Maltese service which started with this kid retelling the Christmas story. Very cute.
Well I’m used to celebrating Christmas on the eve of the 24th but here it’s different so we had to let the gifts stay under the crib for another night before we could release the excitement.
The next morning we got stockings, opened gifts, played games, Wii and watched films.
An extra bonus is that Ann’s mum has orange trees in her garden so we could all start the day with a glass of fresh juice – delicious.
Merry Christmas!
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Happy new year
Glad you enjoy the oranges…and hopefully you enjoy picking them from the trees just as much 😛
Happy new year. Are you still in Malta, or have you managed to make your way back yet?
Thank you, Tina. We should have left the 6th but flight got cancelled. Now we should be leaving today at noon but still waiting to see if the plane can leave from Gatwick.
Gosh it is pretty there! So nice! You have made me want to visit there.
Yes it is 🙂
Of course you have to visit Emm :P…it’s the msot gorgeous place on earth 😛
I have relatives in malta actually but I’d have no idea how to get hold of them. I don’t even know my grandma’s maiden name.
Hmm…that would make it a bit hard :). Knowing the surname and maybe the village she is from could both help though!
nice pic, thanks for your experience in Malta. you can more infomation about Malta form imaginamalta.com.