Beer Pong Extravaganza – Videoblogging Week 2006 – Day 5

I had been in America for six month before i got to play the fine game of Beer Pong. And to tell the truth its not fine at all – its pretty disgusting The game is about getting a ping ping ball in your opponents cups. The cups are filled with beer so when someone actually hits a cup the opponent has to drink that cup. Needless to say the ball goes on the floor pretty often. To clean the ball each team has a cup with water where the ball is washed before each play.

It is interesting how beer games are different from Denmark to USA over here it takes up a lot of space playing games like flip cup or beer pong – in Denmark is more often dice or cards. The whole house party thing (which is huge in a collegetown like Ann Arbor) is completely unknown in Denmark. If we have a big party its usually by invitation or its a bigger party arranged by a sports club or similar. In Denmark you only get kegs to big parties and then you usually get a decent tab and a cooling system along with it.
– The reason for this, Im pretty sure, is because of the alcohol culture. In Denmark you can buy alcohol in stores from you are 16 over here you have to be 21, five years later – oh and it is (as far as ive been told) even illeagal to consume alcohol if you are not under 21

Anyways here is what I shot that day.

Click here to see the movie at Google Video

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2 thoughts on “Beer Pong Extravaganza – Videoblogging Week 2006 – Day 5

  1. Obviously, you have never played Beer-TP. The only kind of Trivial Pursuit I enjoy. It does take a little preparation: First you make a huge playingboard, large enough for people to walk around on, and then you must prepare different accessories, to act as pie-wedges (such as clown noses to replace the red wedges etc).

    The game is played by teams of players and is very similar normal Trivial Pursuit. One player from each team is the acting playing piece (players should take turns every 20 minutes or so) and that person gets to wear the wedges his team gets. Only the other team-members may answer questions.

    Whenever a team gets a question right, they drink.

    To cut down on playing time, the first team to get three wedges wins the game.

  2. Nope never played beer-TP, although I have tried other flavors of TP and beer. But this sounds like a lot of fun :)

    A twist could be that you had to drink every time you answered a question wrong, that way you would maybe get more consumption in to the game

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