Videos from Denmark

Its been a couple of weeks since I left Denmark but havent gotten around to blog about it. I am in summer mode so I will just point you at two videos below.

First video is from a boat trip I did with my parents, sister, Mogens and Magnus. Its by Fårup Lake where our parents invited us for dinner and afterwards we went for a trip on the lake.

Second video is from my parents neighbours party. The parents of my old friend Johannes was celebrating their birthdays with a tent party in the garden. Here its the daughter Agnethe, wife Lotte og husband Johannes doing an a cappella version of Stand By Me.

Check out Agnethes own songs on MySpace or Johannes music-comedy group.

Christmas videos

Pollas asked Danish bloggers to send in a video for a Vlog Christmas Calendar in the good spirit of Christmas. I sent in a video and it is hiding behind number 11th. Click here to see the Calendar. In the video Julia and my roommate Femi try some Danish Christmas food.

The video was made when Julia came to visit last week. Her traineeship in Frankfurt was over and she was on a last stint through Europe before going back to US.
It is always great to have visitors and we covered a fair amount of the touristy Copenhagen with Julia.

A Garde in front of the Queen's Palace

Looking for material for my video contribution I went through my unedited videos and came across some clips I made last year when I drove to Wisconsin for Christmas. So here is a newly cut video. My camera died on the way over so this video has a somewhat abrupt ending halfway through Chicago:

And finally there is the Christmas video I made in Danish from Ann Arbor last year. I will try and make something similar this year from Copenhagen.

Merry Christmas!