Category: Videoblog

  • The Apartment

    My parents asked me for a video of our place. I made the video Friday – its in Danish so if you dont understand you have to follow the plan below for explanations.

    Here is the ground plan of the place.Ground Plan of the apartment

    The stairs you can see outside of the house are the once shown below here. They led to the Belohorska street were the trams goes. So even though we live at the ground level there are still three stories of stairs to climb to get home

    Stairways to the nex street

  • People Watching Going Down

    A 1 minute clip from the escalator at Hradcanska Metro station in Prague.

    When you are standing on the escalator for a short while you experience the optical illusion that you are going straight and the people are leaning in weird ways.

  • Cheers

    The red drink is Griotka which is a sour cherry liquor that tasts pretty good – like the Danish cherry sauce for rissengrød, just with alcohol. The cream coloured Vajecny konak is some kind of eggnog.

    Enjoy you weekend :)

  • Getting lost in Prague

    With six months in Prague we got a luxury in that we don’t need to stomp around town and cover all the attraction in a weekend or a week. So we’ve purposely just jumped on the trams and metros and gotten ourselves ‘lost’.

    Strahov Stadium

    The first day we ended up by – what we later learned was – the Strahov Stadium. It looked quite big but it wasn’t until I got home and looked at it on a satellite image that I understood the size of this place. It was build to host parades and huge gymnastic shows and the stands would allegedly hold 250,000 people.
    Here you see it to the right of Stadion Evzena Rosickeho which is a ‘regular’ stadium that holds nearly 20,000.

    Strahov Stadium.

    Another day we ended up by a walled park. When we looked through the gate we saw this boulevard through the forest.


    It took forever to walk to the other end but when we finally got up there we were met by this star shaped building.

    The Star Royal Summer Palace (Letohradek Hvezda)

    It is The Star Royal Summer Palace but it is closed for another few weeks so I’ll have to come back another time. Once again there were a lot more background and history to be found online. It is build with a great attention to symbolism and so it was build in 1555 as a hexagram.

  • Arrived in Prague

    The flight was on schedule, the cab driver didnt cheat us, we found our apartment, internet is working, weather is great, beers are good – life is great!

  • Rødgrød med fløde – part II

    The gang
    I’m about to move out of Copenhagen so the last couple of days I’ve been packing. It’s tiring and quite boring but today I came across a CD with forgotten video clips from Michigan.

    I can’t believe it’s been almost a year since I left. Still that year in Ann Arbor was the time of my life and the clips I found here sure brings back good memories of some of the great people I hung out with.

    When my parents came to visit we made a Danish BBQ at the roof of my house. I had to make the people there try to say the name of the dessert.

    See also Rødgrød Med Fløde part I

  • Amager Bike Ride – Videoblogging Week 2007

    So here is my submission number dos for a week of videoblogging. I must admit I am falling behind schedule – but hey I finally get around to do some blogging.

    This video is fresh of the camera. Sunday afternoon I went for a bike ride around the southern end of Amager. A place I have never been before – even though I have lived in this part of Copenhagen for close to four months. Well, Sunday I didn’t have any plans, no hangovers and the sun was out! So I grabbed my bike and went south.

    I came across a couple of very interesting places that was really very cosy in that Sunday-kind-of-way.

    • First of there is the Flyer’s Grill (DK) which is a grill bar with a perfect view of runway 22 at Copenhagen Airport. I learnt about the place from a fellow Danish videoblogger a year ago but it wasn’t until this day I checked it out. Pretty cool and definitely a place to bring the nephew next time he is in town.
    • Dragør is an old fishing port built in old Danish style with narrow cobblestone-covered streets only allowed for people on foot, bike and – I guess – horseback.
    • After this I really came into ‘the stick’. Out here is Kongelunden – The King’s Meadow – a paradise for birds and wild life. I’m not good at bird spotting but I saw a lot of different birds (some had long legs, others had long beaks, some could sing and others could quack). This is also one of the few places in Copenhagen area where you can see a sunset over water.
    • Finally on the return to civilization I came by the new borough called Ørestad. They have this crazy triangular house that you get dizzy from looking at for to long.

    Enough jabbing – go watch the video (and comment):

    (Almost) a whole video shot from my bike. I went to the sothern part of the island of Amager in the nice spring weather. The places I went are about 10-15 km from downtown Copenhagen.

    Technorati Tag: , vlogging,videodk


  • Et hus på hjul – Videoblogging Week 2007

    So this week is Videoblogging Week 2007 – I just realized thanks to Rasmus.

    I participated last year and will try to see if I can produce another 7 videos this week. Some of the videos will probably be old material but I promise that it will be material that I havent published before so hang in there this week and enjoy :)

    The first video is from the start of a roadtrip I did with my parents a year ago. The trip went from Wisconsin through Michigan to Niagara Falls. My plan was to making a movie about the whole trip but I ended up just taking photos instead. But here is the first (and only) episode of our travelougue.

    My blog posts about the trip are here (all in Danish):

    Technorati Tag: , vlogging,videodk


  • IAESTE Traineeship abroad presentation

    Last year I did a presentation at IAESTE Michigans Employers Symposium where they invited potential employers to hear about IAESTE and benefits of take on a foreign trainee. This years Symposium was last month and Femi and I got asked if we would do a remote presentation. We looked into different solutions for doing remote presentations but ended up creating a video with the presentation and then doing the questions afterwards through Skype. It was fun to make and I finally had an excuse for making a presentation Lessig style:

    UPDATE: and Menlo Innovations became employer of the year.

    Last but not least the deadline for Danes to apply for a traineeship abroad is coming up 22nd of February. There are about 55 jobs waiting for Danes out there so check out the job catalogue (PDF) if there is anything that sounds interesting to you.


  • Christmas videos

    Pollas asked Danish bloggers to send in a video for a Vlog Christmas Calendar in the good spirit of Christmas. I sent in a video and it is hiding behind number 11th. Click here to see the Calendar. In the video Julia and my roommate Femi try some Danish Christmas food.

    The video was made when Julia came to visit last week. Her traineeship in Frankfurt was over and she was on a last stint through Europe before going back to US.
    It is always great to have visitors and we covered a fair amount of the touristy Copenhagen with Julia.

    A Garde in front of the Queen's Palace

    Looking for material for my video contribution I went through my unedited videos and came across some clips I made last year when I drove to Wisconsin for Christmas. So here is a newly cut video. My camera died on the way over so this video has a somewhat abrupt ending halfway through Chicago:

    And finally there is the Christmas video I made in Danish from Ann Arbor last year. I will try and make something similar this year from Copenhagen.

    Merry Christmas!