Sunday Walk In Prague

Yesterday I grabbed my camera and started walking. I ended up walking from our apartment to the city center. A trip of about 7 km that took me all afternoon.

Hover the mouse on the pictures to get explanations of the pictures – or click on them.

Colorful houses in Brevnov, Prague

Rundown house in Prague 6

Front of Strahov stadium

Prepping mini bikes

Old soccer game


Under the arches

Minogue poster at Strahov

Path in Kinsky Garden

Prague seen from Kinsky Garden

Prague Castle through a gate

Winding path



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  • Aalborg Inspiration
  • Arrived in Prague
  • Hitchhiking video: From Copenhagen to Aalborg
  • Expat blog of the month
  • Comments

    7 responses to “Sunday Walk In Prague”

    1. Michael Avatar

      Nice photo, Wessel :)

    2. Denise Avatar

      Hello Such a nice country! plus nice pug too. just like mine :-). Very nice and interesting blog too.


    3. wen Avatar

      Hi! Great pics!! What a wonderful city! Red and I were planning to go this year but I dont think it will be possible, perhaps 2009. Red has been to Prague before though and he absolutely loved it! Thanks for sharing those fabulous pics!

    4. Anita Prague Avatar

      Hello. Nice pictures of the ugly Stadion Strahov up there. It reminds me of dilemma, Prague will have to solve one day – to participate on Olympic Games, repair it, and build two others, which will, as the Strahov Stadium, lay unused for most of the year, or let it fall down, as it wants to for years now? Also, what do you think?

    5. ane og hugo Avatar

      Tak for de dejlige billeder. Det ser ud til, at du har det godt.Just go on.
      hilsen Ane og Hugo.

    6. Al Tischler Avatar

      Great pictures! I have linked you to my blog as well. Some day when it warms up we will have to meet for a beer.


    7. Wessel Avatar

      Look at the link under my name.

      We made the same picture!

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