Jeg er glad for det metriske system, men nu skal jeg til at multiplicere med onde brøker for at finde ud af den verden, der omgiver mig.
- Multiplicer inches med 2.54 for at få centimeter – Google: 5.2 inches in centimeter
- Multiplicer feet med 0.305 for at få meter – Google: 4 feet in meter
- Multiplicer miles med 1.6 for at få kilometer – Google: 8 miles in kilometers
- Divider pounds med 2.2 for at få kilogram – Google: 5 pounds in kilograms
- Multiplicer ounces med 28 for at få gram – Google: 3 ounces in gram
- Multiplicer fluid ounces med 30 for at få milliliter – Google: 3 ounces in milliliter
- Multiplicer gallons med 3.8 for at få liter – Google: 10 gallons in liter
- Divider dollars med 6.2 for at få kroner – Google: 3.5 USD in DKK
- Fratræk fahrenheit 32 og multiplicer med 0.55 for at få celcius- En temperatur-converter
VINCENT: And you know what they call a Quarter Pounder with Cheese in Paris?
JULES: They don t call it a Quarter Pounder with Cheese?
VINCENT: No, they got the metric system there, they wouldn t know what the fuck a Quarter Pounder is.
JULES: What d they call it?
VINCENT: They call it Royale with Cheese.
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